Mauro Carlo Beltrametti Stampa

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Dipartimento: DIMA

Ufficio: 6829

Orario di ricevimento: Venerdi 14-16 e su appuntamento.

Telefono: (+39) 010353 - 6829



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A.A 2018/2019


Mauro C. Beltrametti, full professor of Geometry at the University of Genova, is a well-known researcher in the field of algebraic geometry.  He is the co-author, with Andrew J. Sommese, of  the book  The Adjunction  Theory of  Complex Projective Varieties (1995), and, with E. Carletti, D. Gallarati, and G. Monti Bragadin, of the book Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective varieties--- A Classical View of Algebraic Geometry (2009).

``The highest expression of  fandom of the Genoa  Cricket and Football Club 1893,  amateur tennis player, and Professor of Geometry'' (in this order) is how he desires to be remembered.


Per l'elenco  completo si veda Curriculum sulla Homepage. Recenti pubblicazioni:

1) M.C. Beltrametti, A. Lanteri and T. de Fernex, Ample subvarieties and rationally connected fibrations,  Math. Ann. 341 (2008), 897--92.

 2) M.C. Beltrametti and P. Ionescu, A. On manifolds swept out by high dimensional quadrics, Math. Z. 260 (2008), 229--234.

 3) M.C. Beltrametti, A. Lanteri and A.J. Sommese, Hilbert curves of  polarized varieties, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra  214 (2010), 461--479.

 4) M.C. Beltrametti and L. Robbiano, An algebraic approach to Hough transforms, Journal  of Algebra, 37 (2012), 669--681.

5) M.C. Beltrametti and L. Badescu, Seshadri positive submanifolds of polarized manifolds, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 11(3) (2013), 447--476.

6) M.C. Beltrametti, A.M. Massone and M. Piana, Hough transforms of special classes of curves, SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 6(1) (2013), 391--412.
7) M.-L. Torrente and M.C. Beltrametti, Almost-vanishing polynomials and an application to the Hough transform, J. Algebra  Appl. 13(8), 1450057 (2014), 39 pp.

8) M.C. Beltrametti, A. Lanteri and A. J. Sommese, Adjunction and singular loci of hyperplane sections, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 67(2) (2015), 871--875.

9) A.M. Massone, A. Perasso and C. Campi and M.C. Beltrametti, Profile detection in medical and astronomical images by means of the Hough transform of special classes of curves, J. Math. Imaging Vis. 51(2) (2015), 296--310.