Anna Maria Massone Stampa

Informazioni generali e contatti

Dipartimento: DIMA

Ufficio: 906

Orario di ricevimento: su appuntamento

Telefono: +39-010-3536906




Insegnamenti precedenti

A.A 2018/2019


2002    Dottorato in Fisica, Université de Lausanne, Svizzera.
1996    Laurea in Fisica con Lode, Università di Genova.  

Curriculum professionale
2010-        Ricercatore CNR, Istituto SPIN, Genova.
2008-10    Ricercatore CNR, Istituto Nazionale Fisica della Materia, Lab. Regionale LAMIA, Genova.
2005-08    Ricercatore Tempo Determinato, CNR-INFM, LAMIA, Genova.
2002-05    Ricercatore Tempo Determinato, INFM, Unità di Ricerca di Genova.
2001-02    Assistante Diplômée, IPHE, Université de Lausanne, Svizzera.
1998-01    Assegnista di Ricerca, INFM, Unità di Ricerca di Genova.
1997-98    Borsista INFM, Unità di Ricerca di Genova.

Cariche onorarie e accademiche
2004-2010  Honorary Research Associate, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Università di Glasgow, UK
2011-2016  Honorary Research Associate, School of Physics and Astronomy, Università di Glasgow, UK 
2013           Group Achievement Award to RHESSI Science and Data Analysis Team, NASA

Attività professionali
2016-          Coordinatore e animatore del processo di definizione del Progetto CNR-SPIN Advanced materials and techniques for organic electronics, bio-medical and sensing applications
2013-2016  Membro del Collegio dei Docenti, Corso di Dottorato in Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Genova
2011-2016  Co-Investigator di STIX, Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays, Solar Orbiter
2004-2016  Membro del Gruppo Italiano per il Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS)
2003-2016  Membro del RHESSI Science and Data Analysis Team

Interessi di ricerca
Problemi inversi e metodi di regolarizzazione
Pattern recognition e tecniche di soft computing (trasformata di Hough, reti neurali, calcolo evolutivo e logica fuzzy)
Applicazioni all’imaging biomedicale (tomografia a raggi X, PET, SPECT, MRI)
Applicazioni alla fisica solare (spettroscopia e imaging a raggi X)

Responsabilità scientifica di progetti di ricerca
2016    Fondazione AriSla: SCM-ALS - Spinal Cord Metabolism in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Responsabile di Unità)
2016    Par Fas 2007-2013: MATRIX-Mathematical extraction of diagnostic information from imaging with complex systems (Responsabile di Unità)
2015    H2020-PROTEC-1-2014: FLARECAST-Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting (Responsabile di Unità)
2015    Contratto ALA srl: Problemi inversi per dati LIDAR
2012    PO CRO FSE 2007-2013:  PET/MRI integration with applications to hematology
2012    POR-FESR 2007/2013: Image processing techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
2008    INFM: “Seed” Projects - Image Reconstruction in Biomedicine.
2008    ISSI: Determination of Energy and Angular Distributions of Accelerated  Electrons in Solar Flares.
2007    PSTL: Ottimizzazione della procedura di acquisizione di immagini Whole Body in Risonanza Magnetica: aspetti software e hardware.
2007    ASI/INAF: Inversion methods for Bremsstrahlung X-ray emission. Sub Task n. 0210 – Attività 02123 del contratto ASI/INAF n. I/015/07/0.
2006    ISSI: The RHESSI Mission: Inversion Methods for Imaging Spectroscopy.
2005    ISSI: The RHESSI Mission: X-ray Spectra and Image Analysis by Means of Inversion Methods

Partecipazione ad altri progetti di ricerca
2014    GNCS: Sparsity in Applied Inverse Problems
2010    FP7-SPACE-2010.2.1 Cooperation Project, High Energy Solar Physics Data in Europe (HESPE)
2009    GNCS: Computational methods in Neuroscience.
2008    Università di Verona - Joint Projects 2007: Image Integration in Medicine.
2008    CARIVE: Bayesian Tracking of brain oscillatory activity.
2007    Università di Verona - Joint Projects 2005: Integrating Information in Medical Imaging.
2006    MIUR FIRB: Learning Theory and Engineering Applications.
2006    MIUR PRIN: Inverse problems in medicine and astronomy.
2005    GNCS: Inverse problems in astronomy: models, algorithms, applications.
2004    GNCS: Numerical methods for satellite image and data analysis.
2004    MIUR Cofin: Inverse problems in medical imaging.  
2002    INFM - PRA MAIA: Medicine and Architecture Image Analysis.
2002    MIUR FIRB: Statistical Learning: theory, algorithms and applications.
1999    INFM - PAIS Project: Global Search in Clustering.
1997    INFM - TELEMA Project: Remote Sensing Image Interpretation for Environment Resources Management.

Organizzazione di Conferenze Internazionali
HESPE Third year meeting. 28-30 Ottobre 2013, Genova
9th RHESSI WORKSHOP. 1-5 Settembre 2009, Genova

Organizzazione di mini-simposi nell’ambito di Conferenze Internazionali
Working Group (WG1: Data analysis/Imaging), 12th RHESSI Workshop. 17-21 Ottobre 2011, Nanjing, Cina
Working Group (WG1: X-ray spectral issues and electron energetics), 11th RHESSI Workshop. 4-7 Aprile 2011, Glasgow, UK
AIP2009. Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2009. 20-24 Luglio 2009.Vienna, Austria
AIP2007. Conference on Applied Inverse Problems 2007: Theoretical and Computational Aspects. 25- 29 Giugno 2007. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Splinter session. 5th RHESSI WORKSHOP. 7-11 Giugno 2005. Ascona, Svizzera.

Seminari su invito
Calcolo scientifico e modelli matematici: alla ricerca delle cose nascoste attraverso le cose manifeste. Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Genova. 3-6 Giugno, 2015.
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. 15 Gennaio, 2014, Napoli
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik. 5 Luglio 2011, Potsdam, Germania.
10th RHESSI Workshop. 1-5 Agosto 2010. Annapolis (MD). USA.
INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri. 10 Dicembre 2009. Firenze.
SOLTER4. IV Convegno della Ricerca Italiana in Fisica Solare e Relazioni Sole-Terra. 18-20 Ottobre 2005. Trieste.
INFN. Sezione di Milano. 25 Febbraio 2003. Milano  

Corsi di aggiornamento
Mathematics in Brain Imaging. Week 2: Functional Brain Mapping, 21 –25 Luglio 2008. IPAM-UCLA, Los Angeles (CA), USA.
Minicourse on Applied Inverse Problems. 22 – 26 Maggio 2006. Firenze.
Inverse Problems: Computational Methods and Emerging Applications. Inverse Problems Workshop Series I. 16-23 Ottobre 2003. IPAM – UCLA. Los Angeles (CA).USA.
MEG Intensive Course. 8-10 Febbraio 2003. Helsinki. Finlandia.
Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems. 27-31Gennaio 2003. INRIA Rocquencourt. Francia.
Imaging. Ciclo CIME 2002. 15-21 Settembre 2002. Martina Franca (Ta).
The Second EvoNet Summer School on Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing. The Lectures. 6-7 Settembre 1999. Anversa, Belgio.

Attività didattica
- Università di Genova, Corso di Studi in Matematica, affidamento dell'Insegnamento ufficiale Elaborazione di Immagini (A.A. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016)
- Università di Genova, Corso di Studi in Matematica, Minicorso Problemi di Soft Computing (A.A. 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016)
- Università di Genova, Corso di Studi in Matematica, attività di supporto alla didattica del corso Applicazioni della Matematica alla Medicina (A.A. 2005-2006)
Dal 1997, ho inoltre svolto attività didattica tenendo lezioni, o seguendo laboratori, nell’ambito di corsi su reti neurali, elaborazione di segnali e immagini, calcolo numerico, processi stocastici e fisica atomica.
Sono stata relatrice di 3 tesi di Dottorato in Matematica e Applicazioni, 19 Tesi di Laurea v.o./specialistica/magistrale in Matematica, 2 in Fisica e 3 in Informatica, 8 tesi di Laurea Triennale in Matematica e 7 in Informatica. 

Attività di supervisione – posizioni Post-Doc
Ho supervisionato 5 posizioni Post-Doc sui seguenti temi:
- Reconstruction techniques in medical imaging
- Methods for Bremsstrahlung X-ray Imaging-Spectroscopy
- Reconstruction of neural activity from measurements of the biomagnetic field as recorded by magnetoencephalography (MEG) devices
- MRI image reconstruction and PET/MRI integration with applications to hematology
- Machine learning methods for the analysis of time series with applications to magnetic field data


Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali

  1. G. Ricca, M.C. Beltrametti, and A.M. Massone. Detecting Curves of Symmetry in Images Via Hough Transform. Mathematics in Computer Science. Vol. 10, pp. 179-205, 2016.
  2. R.A. Schwartz, G. Torre, A. M. Massone, and M. Piana. DESAT: A Solar SoftWare tool for image de-saturation in the Atmospheric Image Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Astronomy and Computing. Vol. 13, pp. 117-123, 2015.
  3. A. Perasso, C.Toraci, A.M. Massone, M.Piana, A.Gerbi, R.Buzio, S. Kawale, E. Bellingeri, and C. Ferdeghini. An automatic method for atom identification in scanning tunnelling microscopy images of Fe-chalcogenide superconductors. Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 260, Issue 3, pp. 302–311, 2015.
  4. G. Torre, R.A. Schwartz, F. Benvenuto, A. M. Massone, and M. Piana. Inverse diffraction for the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Inverse Problems. Vol. 31. No.9, 095006, 2015.
  5. F. Fiz, C. Marini, C. Campi, A. M. Massone, M. Podestà, G. Bottoni, R. Piva, F. Bongioanni, A. Bacigalupo, M. Piana, G. Sambuceti, and F. Frassoni. Allogeneic cell transplant expands bone marrow distribution by colonizing previously abandoned areas: an FDG PET/CT analysis. Blood. Vol. 125 No. 26 pp. 4095-4102, 2015.
  6. S. Giordano, N. Pinamonti, M. Piana, and A.M. Massone. The process of data formation for the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) in Solar Orbiter. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1315–1331, 2015.
  7. A. Perasso, C. Campi C, C. Toraci, F. Benvenuto, M. Piana, and A.M. Massone. Application of Possibilistic C-Means for Fault Detection in Nuclear Power Plant Data. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 137(6): 062901-062901-7, doi: 10.1115/1.4028809, 2015.
  8. A.M. Massone, A. Perasso, C. Campi and M.C. Beltrametti, Profile detection in medical and astronomical images by means of the Hough transform of special classes of curves. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 51, 2, pp.296-310. DOI 10.1007/s10851-014-0521-4, 2015.
  9. F. Benvenuto, R. Schwartz, M. Piana and A.M. Massone, Expectation maximization for hard X-ray count modulation profiles. Astronomy &Astrophysics 555, A61, 2013.
  10. M.C. Beltrametti, A.M. Massone and M.Piana, Hough transform of special classes of curves. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 391-412, 2013.
  11. Massone A.M. and Piana M. The Use of Electron Maps to Constrain Some Physical Properties of Solar Flares. Solar Physics, 283, 177:186, 2013.
  12. A.G. Emslie and A.M. Massone, Bayesian confidence limits of electron spectra obtained through regularized inversion of solar hard X-ray spectra, The Astrophysical Journal 759:122, 2012.
  13. J. Guo, A.G. Emslie, A.M. Massone and M. Piana, Properties of the Acceleration Regions in Several Loop-structured Solar Flares, The Astrophysical Journal, 755, 32, 2012.
  14. G. Torre, N. Pinamonti, A.G. Emslie, J. Guo, A.M. Massone and M. Piana, Empirical determination of the energy loss rate of accelerated electrons in a well-observed solar flare, The Astrophysical Journal 751:129, 2012.
  15. J. Guo, A.G. Emslie, E.P. Kontar, F.Benvenuto, A.M. Massone and M. Piana, Determination of the acceleration region size in a loop-structured solar flare, Astronomy &Astrophysics 543, A53, 2012.
  16. G. Sambuceti,  M. Brignone, C. Marini, M. Massoll, F. Fiz, S. Morbelli, A. Buschiazzo, C. Campi, R. Piva, A.M. Massone, M. Piana and F. Frassoni, Estimating the whole bone marrow asset in humans by a computational approach to integrated pet/ct imaging, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 39 1326-1338, 2012.
  17. S. Allavena, M. Piana, F. Benvenuto and A.M. Massone,  An interpolation/extrapolation approach to x-ray imaging of solar flares, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 6, 2, 147-162, 2012.
  18. E.P. Kontar, J.C. Brown, A.G. Emslie,W. Hajdas, G.D. Holman, G.J. Hurford, J. Kašparová, P.C.V. Mallik, A.M. Massone, M.L. McConnell, M. Piana, M. Prato, E.J. Schmahl, E. Suarez-Garcia. Deducing Electron Properties from Hard X-ray Observations. Space Sci Rev (2011) 159:301–355.
  19. A.M.Massone, A.G. Emslie, G.J. Hurford, M. Prato, E.P.  Kontar and M. Piana. Hard X-ray Imaging of Solar Flares using Interpolated Visibilities. The Astrophysical Journal 703 (2009) 2004-2016.
  20. M. Prato, M. Piana, A. G. Emslie, G. J. Hurford, E. P. Kontar, and A. M. Massone. A Regularized Visibility-Based Approach to Astronomical Imaging Spectroscopy. SIAM J. Imaging Sci. Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 910-930 (2009).
  21. M. Prato, A.G. Emslie, E.P. Kontar, A.M. Massone and M. Piana. The location of centroids in photon and electrons maps of solar flares. Astrophysical Journal 706 (2009) 917-922.
  22. A.M.Massone, M. Piana and M. Prato. Regularized solution of the solar Bremsstrahlung inverse problem: model dependence and implementation issues. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. Vol. 16, No. 4, June 2008, 523-545.
  23. J.C.Brown, J.Kašparová, A.M.Massone and M.Piana. Fast spectral fitting of hard X-ray bremsstrahlung from truncated power-law electron spectra. Astronomy & Astrophysics 486, 1023-1029 (2008). 
  24. M.Piana, A.M.Massone, G.J.Hurford, M.Prato, A.Gordon Emslie, E.P.Kontar and Richard A.Schwartz. Electron Flux Spectral Imaging of Solar Flares through Regularized Analysis of Hard X-Ray Source Visibilities. The Astrophysical Journal. 665 (2007) 846-855.
  25. E.P.Kontar, A.G.Emslie, A.M.Massone, M.Piana, J.C.Brown and M.Prato. Electron-Electron Bremsstrahlung Emission and the Inference of Electron Flux Spectra in Solar Flares. The Astrophysical Journal. 670 (2007) 857.
  26. A.M.Massone, L.Studer and F.Masulli. Possibilistic clustering approach to trackless ring Pattern Recognition in RICH counters. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 41 (2006) 96-109.
  27. A.M.Massone, M.Miyakawa, M.Piana, F.Conte and M.Bertero. A linear model for chirp-pulse microwave computerized tomography: applicability conditions. Inverse Problems, 22 (2006) 2209-2222.
  28. P.Calvini, A.M.Massone, F.M.Nobili and G.Rodriguez. Fusion of the MR Image to SPECT with Possible Correction for Partial Volume Effects. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53 (2006) 189-197.
  29. A.Sorrentino, L.Parkkonen, M.Piana, A.M.Massone, L.Narici, S.Carozzo, M.Riani and W.G.Sannita. Modulation of brain and behavioural responses to cognitive visual stimuli with varying signal-to-noise ratios. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117 (2006) 1098-1105.
  30. F.Mazzone, J.Coyle, A.M.Massone and M.Piana. FIST: A fast visualizer for fixed-frequency acoustic and electromagnetic inverse scattering problems. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 14 (2006) 177-187.
  31. J.C.Brown, A.G.Emslie, G.D.Holman, C.M.Johns-Krull, E.P.Kontar, R.P.Lin, A.M.Massone and M.Piana. Evaluation of algorithms for reconstructing electron spectra from their bremsstrahlung hard X-ray spectra. The Astrophysical Journal, 643 (2006) 523-531.
  32. M.Prato, M.Piana, J.C.Brown, A.G.Emslie, E.P.Kontar and A.M.Massone. Regularized reconstruction of the differential emission measure from solar flare hard X-ray spectra. Solar Physics, 237 (2006) 61-83.
  33. E.P.Kontar, A.G.Emslie, M.Piana, A.M.Massone and J.C.Brown. Determination of Electron Flux Spectra in a Solar Flare with an Augmented Regularization Method: Application to RHESSI Data. Solar Physics, 226 (2005) 317 - 325.
  34. A.M.Massone, A.G.Emslie, E.P.Kontar, M.Piana, M.Prato and J.C.Brown. Anisotropic Bremsstrahlung Emission and the Form of Regularized Electron Flux Spectra in Solar Flares. The Astrophysical Journal, 613 (2004) 1233-1240.
  35. E.P.Kontar, M.Piana, A.M.Massone, A.G.Emslie J.C.Brown. Generalized regularization techniques with constraints for the analysis of solar bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra. Solar Physics, 225 (2004) 293-309.
  36. A.M.Massone, M.Piana, A.Conway and B.Eves. A regularization approach for the analysis of RHESSI X-ray spectra. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 405 (2003) 325-330.
  37. M.Piana, A.M.Massone, E.P.Kontar, A.G.Emslie, J.C.Brown and R.Schwartz. Regularized Electron Flux Spectra in the July 23, 2002 Solar Flare. The Astrophysical Journal, 595 (2003) L127-L130.
  38. G.Galler et al. Compton scattering by the proton. Physics Letters B 503 (2001) 245-255.
  39. S. Wolf et al. Compton scattering by the proton using a large-acceptance arrangement. Eur. Phys. J. A 12 (2001) 231-252.
  40. S. Wolf et al. Structure of the nucleon investigated by Compton scattering. Nuclear Physics A. 690 (1-3) (2001) 310C-313C.
  41. F. Wissmann et al. Compton scattering from the free and bound proton above π-threshold. Nuclear Physics A663&664 (2000) 397c-400c.
  42. A.Zucchiatti et al. Optimisation of clustering algorithms for the reconstruction of events started by a 1Gev photon beam in a segmented BGO calorimeter. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, 425 (1999) 536-548.
  43. P.Boguś, A.M.Massone, F.Masulli, A.Schenone. Interactive graphical system for the segmentation of multimodal medical volumes using fuzzy clustering. Machine Graphics & Vision, 7 (1998) 781-791.
  44. G.P.Capitani, S.Luxardo, A.M.Massone, P.Ottonello, A.R.Reolon, M.Sanzone, A.Zucchiatti. The gain control system for the COPP (coincidence photon-proton) apparatus. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, 413 (1998) 166-174.

Pubblicazioni su atti di conferenze

  1. C. Campi, A. Perasso, Mauro C. Beltrametti, M. Piana, G. Sambuceti and A. M. Massone. HT-BONE: A graphical user interface for the identifcation of bone profiles in CT images via extended Hough transform. Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing, edited by Martin A. Styner, Elsa D. Angelini, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9784, 978423. 2016.
  2. A. Perasso, C. Campi, A.M. Massone, and M.C. Beltrametti. Spinal canal and spinal marrow segmentation by means of the Hough transform of special classes of curves. V. Murino and E. Puppo (eds.): ICIAP 2015, Part I, LNCS 9279, pp.590-600. 2015. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-23231-7_53.
  3. G. Ricca, M.C. Beltrametti, A.M. Massone. Piecewise recognition of bone skeleton profiles via an iterative Hough transform approach without re-voting. Medical Imaging 2015: Image Processing, edited by Sébastien Ourselin, Martin A. Styner, Proc. of SPIE. Vol. 9413, 94132M. 2015.
  4. C. Campi, A. Perasso, M.C. Beltrametti, A.M. Massone, G. Sambuceti, and M. Piana. Pattern recognition in medical imaging by Means of the Hough transform of curves. In Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), 2013 8th International Symposium on, pp. 280-283, 4-6 Sept. 2013. doi: 10.1109/ISPA.2013.6703753.
  5. Podgorski, P. et al. Hardware simulator of Caliste-SO detectors for STIX instrument. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Volume 8903, Article number 89031V, 2013. doi: 10.1117/12.2035285.
  6. Benz A.O. et al. The Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on board the Solar Orbiter mission. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Volume 8443, Article number 84433L, 2012. doi: 10.1117/12.927793.
  7. A.M. Massone, M Piana and M. Prato Imaging spectroscopy of hard x-ray sources in solar flares using regularized analysis of source visibilities. (2008) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 124 012034 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/124/1/012034
  8. Emslie A.G., Hurford G.J., Kontar E.P., Massone A.M., Piana M., Prato M. and Xu Y. Determining the Spatial Variation of Accelerated Electron Spectra in Solar Flares. (2008) In: Particle Acceleration and Transport in the Heliosphere and Beyond. Kauai, HI, 7-13 March 2008, vol. 1039, p. 3-10, Melville, New York (USA): AIP Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0566-0, doi: 10.1063/1.2982478
  9. Prato M, Massone A.M., Piana M., Emslie A.G., Hurford G.J., Kontar E.P. and  Schwartz R.A. (2008). A visibility-based approach using regularization for imaging-spectroscopy in solar X-ray astronomy. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Dourdan (Paris), France, 1519 June 2008, vol. 135, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/135/1/012084
  10. A.M. Massone A M, Piana M, Prato M, Emslie A G, Hurford G J, Kontar E P and Schwartz R A. Electron flux maps of solar flares: a regularization approach to RHESSI imaging spectroscopy. In Modelling and Simulation in Science. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy Livio Scarsi. Erice, Italy 15 - 22 April 2007. Eds. Di Gesù V, Lo Bosco G and Maccarone C. pp. 48-54. ISBN 978-981-277-944-1. 2007
  11. Calvini P, Massone A.M., Nobili F.M., Rodriguez G (2004). Compensation of partial volume effects in SPECT by means of MR data. In: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. Rome, 16 October 2004 - 22 October 2004, vol. 6, p. 3501-3504, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2004.1466641
  12. A.M.Massone, L.Studer and F.Masulli. Possibilistic Rings Detection for RICH Pattern Recognition. Proceedings of the Eusflat 2001 International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. pp. 63-66. 2001.
  13. A.M.Massone, F.Masulli, A.Petrosino. Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms on Landsat Images for Detection of waste areas: a Comparison. Proceedings of the WILF'99 Italian Workshop on Fuzzy Logic 1999. pp.165-175. Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. 2000
  14. A.M.Massone, L.Studer and F.Masulli. Pattern Recognition in RICH Counters using the Possibilistic C-Spherical Shell Algorithm. (2000) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES'2000) Brighton, UK. Volume 2, pp. 792-795. IEEE Piscataway, NJ, United States, ISBN: 0-7803-6400-7, doi: 10.1109/KES.2000.884165.

Capitoli in volumi di libri

  1. F.Masulli, A.Schenone, A.M.Massone. Fuzzy Clustering Methods for the Segmentation of Multimodal Medical Images. In Fuzzy Systems in Medicine, eds. P.S. Szczepaniak, P.J.G. Lisboa, J. Kacprzyk, series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. pp.335-350. (Physica-Verlag Heidelberg) 2000.
  2. F.Masulli F, A.M. Massone and A. Schenone. Segmentation of multimodal medical volumes using evolutionary clustering. In Soft Computing, Multimedia, and Image Processing, eds. Mo Jamshidi, Madjid Fathi, Takeshi Furuhashi, series World Automation Congress proceedings. Vol. 11, pp.215-220. (TSI Press, Albuquerque USA) 2000.


  1. Schwartz R.A, Kontar E., Jeffrrey N., Massone A.M. (2011). Accounting for the Albedo Flux in RHESSI Image Reconstructions. In: American Astronomical Society. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA) , June, 12-16, vol. 43.
  2. Bertora L, Carrozzi S, Massone A.M., Sorrentino A, Piana M (2008). Ottimizzazione della procedura di acquisizione di immagini whole-body in risonanza magnetica: aspetti software e hardware. Matematica e Impresa, vol. 1, p. 25.
  3. Campi C, Parkkonen L, Pascarella A, Sorrentino A, Massone A.M., Piana M (2007). Particle Filters in MEG (PFM): a Novel Method to Track Multiple Neural Sources from Biomagnetic Data. In:NeuroImage Special Issue. Chicago, Illinois, 10-14 Giugno, vol. 36, p. S53, HANBURG:Büchel C., doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.03.045
  4. Emslie A.G, Piana M, Massone A.M., Hurford G.J, Prato M, Kontar E.P. and Schwartz R.A (2007). Determination of Electron Flux Spectrum Images in Solar Flares using Regularized Analysis of Hard X-Ray Source Visibilities. In: Bullettin of the American Astronomical Society. Honolulu, Hawaii, 27-31 Maggio 2007, vol. 39, p. 151
  5. A.Sorrentino, L.Parkkonen, M.Piana, L.Narici, A.M.Massone, S.Carozzo, W.G.Sannita. Dynamic noise and visual stimuli with cognitive content: A neuromagnetic experiment of stochastic resonance in human vision. Journal of Psychophysiology 20 (2006): 220.
  6. Massone A.M., Bertero M, Piana M, Conte F, Miyakawa M (2006). The linear model for Chirp Pulse Microwave Computerized Tomography: an analysis of the applicability limitations with an application to mammography. In: PIERS 2006 in Cambridge Abstracts. Cambridge, USA, 26-29 Marzo, p. 290, ISBN: 1-933077-09-3
  7. J.C.Brown, A.G.Emslie, E.P.Kontar, G.D.Holman, C.M.Johns-Krull, A.M.Massone and M.Piana, (2005). A regularization approach for the analysis of X-ray solar spectra: blind tests and applications to RHESSI data. In: Applied Inverse Problems 2005. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK, 26-30 Giugno 2005