Alberto Perelli Stampa

Informazioni generali e contatti

Dipartimento: DIMA

Ufficio: 903

Orario di ricevimento: su appuntamento

Telefono: (+39) 010353 - 6903




Insegnamenti precedenti

A.A 2018/2019


1976: laurea in Mathematics, University of Genova (supervisor prof. E.Bombieri);
1976: perfezionando, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa;
1980: ricercatore, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa;
1987: full professor, University of Napoli;
1991: full professor, University of Genova.

Main research interests:
L-functions, in particular the structure of the Selberg class of L-functions;
additive problems with prime numbers and exponential sums: Goldbach typeproblems, bounds and norms of exponential sums; 
distribution of prime numbers, primes in short intervals;
sieve problems for polynomials in several variables; 
problems of diophantine approximation.

Author of about 110 papers and editor of Acta Arithmetica, Functiones et Approximatio and Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. Research collaboration with several mathematicians, in particular: A.Balog (Budapest), E.Bombieri (Princeton), J.Br\"udern (Gottingen), A.Granville (London), A.Diaconu (Minneapolis), J.Kaczorowski (Poznan'), A.Languasco (Padova), G.Molteni (Milano), M.R.Murty (Kingston), M.Nair (Glasgow), J.Pintz (Budapest), R.C.Vaughan (Penn State Univ.), J.Wolfart (Frankfurt), T.D.Wooley (Bristol), A.Zaccagnini (Parma), A.Zaharescu (Urbana), U.Zannier (Pisa). 

Organizer, with F.Amoroso, E.Bombieri, J.Kaczorowski, C.Viola and U.Zannier, of several conferences and summer schools (Symposium on Analytic Number Theory(Amalfi 1989), Diophantine Approximation and Analytic Number Theory (Pisa 1999),Analytic Number Theory (Cetraro 2002), Number Theory Days (Poznan' 2006)). Participation in several conferences and workshops since 1977; member of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA) during academic years 1990/91 and 1999/00.

Research coordinator and supervisor: national and local coordinator of research grant "Teoria dei Numeri" for several years; Italian coordinator of the EEC network "NumberTheory" in 1993-95; national and local coordinator of several PRIN projects in numbertheory; supervisor of the PhD students A.Zaccagnini, D.Bazzanella, A.Languasco,G.Molteni, L.Goldoni, M.Righetti, F.Monopoli, G.Zaghloul.