Enrico Massa Stampa

Informazioni generali e contatti

Dipartimento: DIMA

Ufficio: 911

Orario di ricevimento: giorni feriali, 15:30--18:30

Telefono: (+39) 010353 - 6911

Email: massa@dima.unige.it


 Laureato in Fisica nel 1965. Per quasi venticinque anni ho svolto attività di ricerca nell'ambito della Relatività Generale, occupandomi di problemi legati alla struttura matematica delle equazioni di Einstein e allo studio della meccanica e della termodinamica relativistica dei continui. Dal 1989 ho spostato i miei interessi sugli aspetti geometrici della meccanica analitica, occupandomi del comportamento di sistemi soggetti a vincoli cinetici. La mia  attività di ricerca attuale verte sugli aspetti geometrici  della teoria del controllo e del calcolo variazionale anolonomo. Sono stato responsabile della Sezione n. 5 (Relatività e Teoria dei Campi) del Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica del CNR, e presidente del Consiglio Scientifico dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata del CNR.


Massa, Enrico "Reference systems in General Relativity". In "A great mathematician of the nineteenth century", papers in honor of Eugenio Beltrami (1835--1900) (Italian), 211--223, Ist. Lombardo Accad. Sci. Lett. Incontr. Studio, Milan, 2007.

Massa, Enrico; Vignolo, Stefano "Variational techniques in General Relativity: a metric-affine approach to Kaluza's theory". J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), no. 2.

Vignolo, Stefano; Massa, Enrico "A vielbein formulation of unified Einstein-Maxwell theory". Classical Quantum Gravity 23 (2006), no. 23, 6781--6791.

Massa, Enrico; Vignolo, Stefano "A new geometrical framework for time-dependent Hamiltonian mechanics". Extracta Math. 18 (2003), no. 1, 107--118.

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico; Vignolo, Stefano "Legendre transformation and Analytical Mechanics: a geometric approach". J. Math. Phys. 44 (2003), no. 4, 1709--1722.

Massa, Enrico; Vignolo, Stefano; Bruno, Danilo "Non-holonomic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics: an intrinsic approach". J. Phys. A 35 (2002), no. 31, 6713--6742.

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico; Lorenzoni, Paolo "On the gauge structure of classical mechanics". Proceedings of the International Conference on Models and Numerical Methods in Transport Theory and in Mathematical Physics (Rome, 1998). Transport Theory Statist. Phys. 29 (2000), no. 1-2, 69--91.

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico "A new look at classical mechanics of constrained systems". Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Phys. Théor. 66 (1997), no. 1, 1--36.

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico "Jet bundle geometry, dynamical connections, and the inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics". Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Phys. Théor. 61 (1994), no. 1, 17--62.

Massa, Enrico "Spatial tensor analysis in general relativity". In "Classical mechanics and relativity: relationship and consistency" (Elba, 1989), 169--184, Monogr. Textbooks Phys. Sci. Lecture Notes, 20, Bibliopolis, Naples, 1991

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico "Classical dynamics of nonholonomic systems: a geometric approach". Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Phys. Théor. 55 (1991), no. 1, 511--544.

Massa, Enrico; Pasquero, Stefano "Lorentz transformations and reflection operators in Minkowsky space-time". In "Memoirs of mathematical physics in honor of Giovanni Carini on his 70th birthday". Atti Accad. Peloritana Pericolanti Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 68 (1990), suppl. 1, 369--379 (1991)

Massa, Enrico; Pagani, Enrico "Is the Riemann tensor derivable from a tensor potential?" Gen. Relativity Gravitation 16 (1984), no. 9, 805--816.

Massa, Enrico "Dynamical aspects of the relativistic theory of heat conduction". Proceedings of the 3rd National Meeting on General Relativity and Gravitation Physics (Torino, 1978). Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 114 (1980/81), suppl., 269--278.

Massa, Enrico "Variational techniques in general relativity: generalisations of a classical result of A. Palatini". Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (4) 5 (1979), part 2, 511--522 (1980).

Massa, Enrico "Relative continuum mechanics in general relativity. II. The Lagrangian viewpoint". Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 121 (1979), 59--76.

Bampi, Franco; Massa, Enrico "A note on the definition of spatial volumes in relativistic continuum mechanics". Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A (5) 16 (1979), no. 1, 68--75.

Massa, Enrico; Morro, Angelo "A dynamical approach to relativistic continuum thermodynamics". Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Sect. A (N.S.) 29 (1978), no. 4, 423--454 (1979).

Massa, Enrico "Relative continuum mechanics in general relativity. I. Kinematical foundations". Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 117 (1978), 311--337.

Massa, Enrico; Zordan, Clara "Relative kinematics in general relativity. The Thomas and Fokker precessions". Meccanica-J. Italian Assoc. Theoret. Appl. Mech. 10 (1975), no. 1, 27--31.

Massa, Enrico "Space tensors in general relativity. III. The structural equations". General Relativity and Gravitation 5 (1974), no. 6, 715--736.

Massa, Enrico "Space tensors in general relativity. II. Physical applications". General Relativity and Gravitation 5 (1974), no. 5, 573--591.

Massa, Enrico "Space tensors in general relativity. I. Spatial tensor algebra and analysis". General Relativity and Gravitation 5 (1974), no. 5, 555--572.

Massa, Enrico "Spinor equivalents of irreducible tensors under the special Lorentz group". Nuovo Cimento B (11) 9 (1972), 41--52.

Massa, Enrico "The relativistic problem of motion in co-moving co-ordinates". Comm. Math. Phys. 22 (1971), 321--337

Massa, Enrico "A new approach to the problem of motion in general relativity". Comm. Math. Phys. 20 1971 279--290.

Massa, Enrico "On the mathematical structure of Einstein's equations in mixed initial and boundary value problems". Comm. Math. Phys. 12 1969 246--252.