Aldo Conca Stampa

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A.A 2018/2019


Vedi pagina web del docente per CV completo ed aggiornato. 





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66) Conca, Aldo, Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke,  Welker Volkmar,

Asymptotic syzygies of Stanley-Reisner rings of iterated subdivisions.

Preprint 2014, arXiv:1411.3695


65) Conca, Aldo, Faenzi Daniele,

A remark on hyperplane sections of rational normal scrolls

Preprint 2014.


64) Conca, Aldo, Iyengar, Srikanth B., Nguyen Hop, Römer, Tim,

Absolutely Koszul algebras and the Backelin-Roos property,

Preprint 2014.


63) Conca, Aldo, De Negri Emanuela;  Welker Volkmar ,

A Gorenstein simplicial complex for symmetric minors.



62) Conca, Aldo, Edidin Dan, Hering Milena, Vinzant Cynthia

An algebraic characterization of injectivity in phase retrieval.

Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 38 (2015), no. 2, 346–356.


61) Conca, Aldo,

Koszul algebras and their syzygies

Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry

Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2014, pp 1-31


60) Avramov, Luchezar L.; Conca, Aldo; Iyengar, Srikanth B.

Subadditivity of syzygies of Koszul algebras

Math. Ann. 361 (2015), no. 1-2, 511--534.


59) Conca, Aldo,  De Negri Emanuela;  Gorla  Elisa;

Universal Groebner bases for maximal minors.


to appear in International Mathematics Reserarch Notices


58) Andrew Berget, Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo;

Ideals generated by superstandard tableaux


to appear in the MSRI program in Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and

Representation Theory (2012-13).


57)  Conca, Aldo; Satoshi Murai;

Regularity bounds for Koszul cycles

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), no. 2, 493–503.


56)  Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo; Varbaro Matteo;

Relations between the minors of a generic matrix

Adv. Math. 244 (2013), 171-206.


55)  Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo; Varbaro Matteo;

Maximal minors and Linear Powers.

J. Reine Angew. Math. 702 (2015), 41–53.


54)  Buchweitz Ragnar-Olaf; Conca, Aldo;

New Free divisors from old

Journal of Commutative Algebra  5, (2013), 17-47.


53) Caviglia Giulio; Conca, Aldo;

Koszul property of projections of the Veronese cubic surface.

Adv. Math. 234 (2013), 404–413.


52) Conca, Aldo; Emanuela De Negri; Maria Evelina Rossi;

Koszul Albegras and regularity

Commutative Algebra: Expository Papers Dedicated to David Eisenbud on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.

Springer (2013).


51) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo; Römer, Tim;

Koszul homology and syzygies of Veronese subalgebras.

Math. Ann. (2011)  351,  761-779.


50) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo; Römer, Tim

Koszul cycles

Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.

G. Fløystad et al. (eds.), Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra

and Algebraic Geometry, Abel Symposia {6}, (2011),  17-33.


49) Conca, Aldo; Römer, Tim

Generic initial ideals and fibre products.

Osaka J. Math. 47 (2010), no. 1, 17–32.


48) Avramov, Luchezar L.; Conca, Aldo; Iyengar, Srikanth B.

Free resolutions over commutative Koszul algebras.

Math. Res. Lett. 17 (2010), no. 2, 197–210.


47) Conca, Aldo; De Negri, Emanuela; Rossi, Maria Evelina

Integrally closed and componentwise linear ideals.

Math. Z. 265 (2010), no. 3, 715–734.


46) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo,

The variety of exterior powers of linear maps.

J. Algebra 322 (2009), no. 9, 2927--2949.


45) Conca, Aldo; Krattenthaler, Christian; Watanabe, Junzo,

Regular sequences of symmetric polynomials.

Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 121 (2009), 179--199.


44) Conca, Aldo,

Gröbner bases for spaces of quadrics of codimension 3.

J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213 (2009), no. 8, 1564--1568.

43) Conca, Aldo; Valla, Giuseppe,

Canonical Hilbert-Burch matrices for ideals of $k[x,y]$.

Michigan Math. J. 57 (2008), 157--172.

Special volume in honor of Melvin Hochster.


42) Conca, Aldo,

Koszul algebras.

Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9) 1 (2008), no. 2, 429--437.


41) Conca, Aldo; De Negri, Emanuela; Rossi, Maria Evelina,

Contracted ideals and the Gröbner fan of the rational normal curve.

Algebra Number Theory 1 (2007), no. 3, 239--268.


40) Conca, Aldo,

Linear spaces, transversal polymatroids and ASL domains.

J. Algebraic Combin. 25 (2007), no. 1, 25--41.

39) Conca, Aldo; Hoşten, Serkan; Thomas, Rekha R.,

Nice initial complexes of some classical ideals.

Algebraic and geometric combinatorics, 11--42, Contemp. Math., 423, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2006.


38) Conca, Aldo,

Regularity jumps for powers of ideals.

Commutative algebra, 21--32, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 244, Chapman \& Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.


37) Conca, Aldo; Sidman, Jessica,

Generic initial ideals of points and curves.

J. Symbolic Comput. 40 (2005), no. 3, 1023--1038.

36) Bigatti, A. M.; Conca, A.; Robbiano, L.,

Generic initial ideals and distractions.

Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), no. 6, 1709--1732.


35) Conca, A..; De Negri, E.; Jayanthan, A. V.; Rossi, M. E.,

Graded rings associated with contracted ideals.

J. Algebra 284 (2005), no. 2, 593--626.


34) Conca, Aldo; Herzog, Jürgen; Hibi, Takayuki,

Rigid resolutions and big Betti numbers.

Comment. Math. Helv. 79 (2004), no. 4, 826--839.


33) Conca, Aldo; Valla, Giuseppe,

The dimension of certain catalecticant varieties.

Collect. Math. 55 (2004), no. 2, 113--138.

32) Conca, Aldo,

Koszul homology and extremal properties of Gin and Lex.

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 356 (2004), no. 7, 2945--2961.


31) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo,

Gröbner bases and determinantal ideals.

Commutative algebra, singularities and computer algebra (Sinaia, 2002), 9--66, NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 115, Kluwer Acad.

Publ., Dordrecht, 2003.


30) Conca, Aldo; Herzog, Jürgen,

Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of products of ideals.

Collect. Math. 54 (2003), no. 2, 137--152.


29) Conca, Aldo,

Products of ideals with linear resolution.

Advances in algebra and geometry (Hyderabad, 2001), 1--6, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 2003.


28) Conca, Aldo

Reduction numbers and initial ideals.

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 4, 1015--1020


27) Conca, Aldo

Universally Koszul algebras defined by monomials.

Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 107 (2002), 95--99.


26) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo

Algebras of minors.

J. Algebra 246 (2001), no. 1, 311--330


25) Conca, Aldo; Trung, Ngô Viêt; Valla, Giuseppe,

Koszul property for points in projective spaces.

Math. Scand. 89 (2001), no. 2, 201--216.


24) Conca, Aldo; De Negri, Emanuela; Rossi, Maria Evelina,

On the rate of points in projective spaces.

Israel J. Math. 124 (2001), 253--265.


23) Conca, Aldo; Rossi, Maria Evelina; Valla, Giuseppe,

Gröbner flags and Gorenstein algebras.

Compositio Math. 129 (2001), no. 1, 95--121.


22) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo

KRS and determinantal ideals.

Geometric and combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra (Messina, 1999), 67--87,

Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 217, Dekker, New York, 2001.


21) Conca, Aldo,

Hilbert function and resolution of the powers of the ideal of the rational normal curve.

Commutative algebra, homological algebra and representation theory (Catania/Genoa/Rome, 1998).

J.Pure Appl. Algebra 152 (2000), no. 1-3, 65--74.


20) Conca, Aldo,

Universally Koszul algebras.

Math. Ann. 317 (2000), no. 2, 329--346.


19) Conca, Aldo,

Gröbner bases for spaces of quadrics of low codimension.

Adv. in Appl. Math. 24 (2000), no. 2, 111--124.


18) Conca, A.; Valla, G.,

Betti numbers and lifting of Gorenstein codimension three ideals.

Comm. Algebra 28 (2000), no. 3, 1371--1386.


17) Conca, A.; Valla, G.,

Hilbert function of powers of ideals of low codimension.

Math. Z. 230 (1999), no. 4, 753--784.


16) Conca, Aldo; De Negri, Emanuela,

$M$-sequences, graph ideals, and ladder ideals of linear type.

J. Algebra 211 (1999), no. 2, 599--624.


15) Conca, Aldo,

Straightening law and powers of determinantal ideals of Hankel matrices.

Adv. Math. 138 (1998), no. 2, 263--292.


14) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo,

$F$-rationality of determinantal rings and their Rees rings.

Michigan Math. J. 45 (1998), no. 2, 291--299.


13) Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo,

KRS and powers of determinantal ideals.

Compositio Math. 111 (1998), no. 1, 111--122.


12) Conca, Aldo; Herzog, Jürgen,

Ladder determinantal rings have rational singularities.

Adv. Math. 132 (1997), no. 1, 120--147.


11) Conca, Aldo,

Gröbner bases of powers of ideals of maximal minors.

J. Pure Appl. Algebra 121 (1997), no. 3, 223--231.


10) Conca, Aldo; Herzog, Jürgen; Trung, Ngô Viêt; Valla, Giuseppe,

Diagonal subalgebras of bigraded algebras and embeddings of blow-ups of projective spaces.

Amer. J. Math. 119 (1997), no. 4, 859--901.


9) Conca, Aldo,

Gorenstein ladder determinantal rings.

J. London Math. Soc. (2) 54 (1996), no. 3, 453--474.


8) Conca, Aldo,

Hilbert-Kunz function of monomial ideals and binomial hypersurfaces.

Manuscripta Math. 90 (1996), no. 3, 287--300.


7) Conca, Aldo; Herzog, Jürgen; Valla, Giuseppe,

Sagbi bases with applications to blow-up algebras.

J. Reine Angew. Math. 474 (1996), 113--138.


6) Conca, Aldo,

The $A$-invariant of determinantal rings.

Math. J. Toyama Univ. 18 (1995), 47--63.


5) Conca, Aldo,

Ladder determinantal rings.

J. Pure Appl. Algebra 98 (1995), no. 2, 119--134.


4) Conca, Aldo,

Symmetric ladders.

Nagoya Math. J. 136 (1994), 35--56.


3) Conca, Aldo,

Divisor class group and canonical class of determinantal rings defined by ideals of minors of a symmetric matrix.

Arch. Math. (Basel) 63 (1994), no. 3, 216--224.


2) Conca, Aldo,

Gröbner bases of ideals of minors of a symmetric matrix.

J. Algebra 166 (1994), no. 2, 406--421.


1) Conca, Aldo, Herzog, Jürgen,

On the Hilbert function of determinantal rings and their canonical module.

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1994), no. 3, 677--681.